Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

How to Get the BEST SEO Possible at the Lowest Price

Okay, so you don’t know anything about SEO, and frankly you don’t want to learn.

How to Get the BEST SEO Possible at the Lowest Price

It’s not your ‘thing.’

But naturally you want your best sites to rank really high in the natural search results.

So what should you do?

Most marketers will hire someone at $10 or $20 an hour to do it for them.

The problem with this is most of those $10 or $20 an hour workers don’t actually make money by ranking their own sites.

Which is to say, they’re not the best of the best at SEO.

Do you know who is? People who DO get their own sites to the top of Google.

The problem, though, is these experts are more likely to charge you $1,000 an hour for their efforts.

So here’s what you do: Hire a true expert to tell you what needs to be done in 30 minutes for half his hourly rate.

Record the call.

Then hire the $20 an hour SEO person to apply what you learned from the true SEO pro.

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