Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Double Your Income with Just One Email?

Here’s a quick case study that could potentially double your email profits. This marketer sends out an email to his list 5 or 6 days a week. These emails have news, information and one offer. But on the seventh day, he does something completely different, and this one simple change is doubling his income every week. I’ll bet this can work for you too!

Double Your Income with Just One Email?

So how does it work… Well, he calls it his “Weekly Roundup” and in it he lists all the hottest selling affiliate products offered that week. Each one gets a short section of its own with a title, description and his affiliate link.

He says that most weeks he makes as much from that one email as he does from all of his other emails combined.

I asked him if he didn’t get more unsubscribes from that email, since it looks so different from his others, but he says he makes it look and feel different on purpose. It’s his way of letting his audience know it’s the one-time weekly email, and the rest of the week they’d be getting good content and not just a sales pitch.

He also titles it, “Weekly Roundup” and uses a date such as, “January 1-7, 2023” to indicate this email will only show up once a week.

Yes, it’s simple, and often the best marketing strategies are. Implement this into your own email marketing plan and you can potentially 2x+ your income with a single weekly email.

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