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Case Study: $15,000 Cash for Content not Yet Created

Okay, this case study is a little strange because I’m basically going to combine two case studies into one. That is, I’m going to take the best of each of the two case studies, throw out what didn’t work well and show you how you can maximize your own earnings with your own PLR site.

Case Study: $15,000 Cash for Content not Yet Created

I don’t mean a site that you build using PLR materials – this is a site that sells a monthly membership to online marketers that allows them to access and use the PLR materials you supply.

In our first case study, Mark hired someone to create internet marketing type PLR packages each month. Then he sold exactly 100 memberships to get this PLR. The beauty of his plan was that only 100 members would have the PLR materials and they wouldn’t have to worry about saturation. Because of this, those initial 100 memberships at $29 each sold out within a couple of hours.

But here was the problem… it was capped at 100 members. The very thing that made it easy to sell was also the thing that limited how much Mark would earn each month. When someone dropped out of the membership, he alerted his wait list to see if someone else wanted to join. But again, he could never have more than 100 members at any one time.

That’s when Mark got creative: He started building small websites that consisted of a landing page, a lead magnet and a main website that promoted ClickBank affiliate links. Each month he would build five of these, all different but all using the same PLR materials from that month. Some of the materials were used for the lead magnet, some for the main website, and the ClickBank promotions were for related products.

Then he sold each of these five websites, each on its own unique URL. This little step more than doubled his income, earning him about $5,000 a month after the expense of getting his PLR materials written.

Enter Susan. She, too, built a PLR membership site, but her niche was self-improvement. And rather than limit the number of memberships she sold, she instead made her members “qualify”. She did this by having them do one of two things: They could provide the URL of their self-improvement or coaching website or social media page.

If they didn’t yet have a site, they could provide their plan for building their self-improvement or coaching business (20-50 words) and certify they would be using the materials to help others. The idea was that you had to be a self-improvement or coaching professional to qualify, but the fact was almost anyone could pass the test.

Now Susan could sell as many memberships as she liked. And in fact she provided a private Facebook Page for members-only where they could meet, strategize and work together on their own projects. A lot of joint ventures came out of that FB Page. And the best part was, the more people who joined, the more potential JV partners there were.

Susan charges $47 a month for her membership. And because people must qualify, they stay for longer and seem to appreciate the membership more.

Both Mark and Susan promote other products inside their membership area. These are products that are extremely helpful as well as being timeless. No junk is promoted inside the memberships because neither marketer wants to ruin their reputation with their members.

Susan has a unique twist on this: Every six months she has an extra PLR package created. This package is given for free to everyone who has made a purchase from inside the membership site, or they can buy it for $47. This encourages members to buy something in addition to the membership every six months. Susan also sells this package on its own as a stand-alone PLR package. Her upsell? Of course, it’s the self-improvement PLR membership.

Mark and Susan also sell past packages to new members. When someone new joins the membership, they are offered the chance to purchase previous months’ PLR packages. Susan offers every package ever created for the membership, either sold separately or as one big discounted package.

Mark, on the other hand, only sells packages that are at least six months old because of his rule of limiting the number of members he can have. It wouldn’t seem right to him to sell last month’s package to the 100 active members last month AND to 10 new members this month.

By now you’re coming to the same conclusion I reached… limiting the number of members is a BAD idea. A possible exception might be if you charge a LOT of money. But at $27 a month, you really don’t want to have membership limits, even if it does make it easier to sell out.

One more thing… Susan does not allow members to leave and then come back again at a later date. She makes it perfectly clear that if someone resigns a membership, they are gone forever. If you think about it, this makes good sense. Very few people in a membership will leave and then later want to come back. By telling them they don’t have this option, it makes members want to stay rather than permanently losing out.

If someone is having financial difficulty, rather than make them leave she will give them a free month or two to tide them over. This might sound counterintuitive but it makes for incredibly strong goodwill. She’s had members who asked to be comped for a month or two who subsequently stayed with her for another year or two after that period. And she’s even had a few pay her for the months she comped because they were grateful for her generosity. You could say she treats her members like family and it really pays off.

Now here’s what Mark did one day when he was desperate for money: He was in the middle of buying a house and realized things would go a lot smoother if he had another $10,000 for his down payment. The problem was, he needed this money right away. So he mailed out to every single past member of his membership site and offered them a full year of membership for just $99. A surprisingly large percentage of those past members said yes to the offer. Then he mailed to his list and gave them the same offer, resulting in even more sales and close to $15,000 in his pocket.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking… what about his limit of 100 members? He worked so hard not to violate that rule, and then he went and more than doubled his members by offering the annual option. I’m not going to judge – I just report. Again, maybe it’s not the best thing long term to say you’re going to limit the number of members you have for your membership.

If you’re wondering what sort of PLR you would need to create or have someone else create for your site, here’s my advice on that point:

Watch what is selling right now in your niche. What’s hot? What is it that everyone is talking about? Then have a complete package built around that topic including product, promotional emails and ads, sales letter and so forth. Make the quality such that you would have no trouble selling it to the end user. In fact, a great secret to selling any PLR is to first sell it to the end user to PROVE that its good enough to sell.

Imagine if you can promote your PLR membership site by stating that you sold the very products in the site and here’s your conversion rate and here’s your profit and here’s when you sold it. You could update your sales letter each month with the new PLR product and stats for that month. And yes, selling your PLR to end users is just one more stream of income from your PLR membership site.

Here’s one more trick that Mark used to add another income stream and better retain his members: He offered STEEP discounts on products to his members. He simply contacted product owners of relevant, high priced products and asked if he could negotiate a deal for 20 of his members. These are products that originally sold for $200 to $3,000. He offered a discount of 50% to 90% off, but only for the first 20 buyers. Believe it or not, this scarcity technique was highly effective and he usually sold all 20 copies to his membership of 100.

Here’s an example of something he sold recently: It was a $1,000 product that he offered to his members at an 80% discount, bringing it down to $200. 50% commission meant he earned $100 per sale, times 20 sales and that’s an extra $2,000.

PLR is alive and well and selling like gangbusters. And with a little planning you too can have your own PLR membership site with potentially several streams of income.

The 3 Secrets to Landing Big JV Partners

Ouch! You’ve got a great product. In fact, there’s never been another product like yours in the history of the world. Your product is going to sell like GANGBUSTERS because, well, because you just know it will. Because it has to. Because you just sunk the last 6 months and several thousand dollars into building the product, but, it’s going to all be worth it as soon as these stupid, snobby, too-good-to-talk-to-you big shot marketers come down off of their high horses and promote it for you.

The 3 Secrets to Landing Big JV Partners


Okay, maybe that’s not exactly how you see it.

But you do believe you’ve got a great product that will sell well, and you know you’re doing these other marketers a FAVOR by offering them the chance to promote it for you. Because after all, they have nothing to do and nothing to promote. They’re just waiting for you to come along and give them a chance to double the millions they’ve already earned…

Yeah. Right.

I remember all too well how hard it was to get anyone to take a look at my offer, much less promote it for me when I was new. And do you know why? It’s because like almost every new marketer out there, I had it backwards.

Imagine a man knocks on the door of a woman he’s never met before. She opens the door a crack to see who it is and realizes she doesn’t know him from an axe murderer. Through the crack in the door he says to her, “Hi Baby, I have a fantastic deal for you! I’m going to do you a huge favor by letting you drive me in your car to an expensive restaurant where you’ve made reservations for us. I’m going to let you buy me dinner with cocktails and a bottle of wine, and afterwards I’ll let you take me to an expensive Broadway show that’s booked six months in advance. And after that, I’ll do you an even bigger favor and let you sleep with me. What do you say?”

Seriously, what do you think she’ll say to this stranger at her door? I suspect she slammed the door shut when he got to the part about the expensive restaurant and reservations.

And yet new marketers take this exact same approach all the time when asking established marketers to act as their affiliates or JV partners.

“Hi Joe Marketer, I have a fantastic deal for you! I’m going to do you a huge favor by letting you devote several days of your precious promotional schedule to selling my product to your list and followers. Sure, you don’t know me, you don’t know my product and you have zero reason to trust me or my product. But I still expect you to drop everything and instead of promoting something you KNOW will sell and you know your customers will love, I want you to take a huge chance on promoting a product that might not sell at all, that might be awful, that might alienate your customers and ruin your reputation. Because hey, that’s what you should do for a total stranger, right?”

Now imagine receiving one or even several of these requests every day. Is it any wonder that seasoned marketers stop answering their email, and new marketers have trouble getting anyone to promote for them?

Let’s go back to the guy and gal analogy. What if that guy were to come up to the woman – not at her front door, but at work – and simply introduce himself and maybe thank her for something she did at her job? Maybe he comes back in a couple of days and comments on something she wrote or asks a relevant question. He starts following her on social media and engaging her there.

A little bit of interaction here, a little bit there…

Then maybe he does something nice for her – shares one of her links, tells his Facebook Fans about her business – or he simply buys one of her products. She’s starting to take notice of him. He’s not scary and in fact he seems like a nice guy. What’s this? He’s got a website. She checks it out. Hmmm… this might be someone worth getting to know better.

The following month or maybe the following year, what happens? She’s promoting his product. Or maybe she’s not, but maybe she introduced him to a friend of hers that’s an even better fit for a joint venture.

You already know the point I’m getting to here – don’t pounce on strangers and expect them to do you a huge favor when they don’t even know you. And yes, promoting your product is indeed a huge favor.

The 3 Secrets to Landing Big JV Partners:

1. Build the relationship before asking for the favor, whatever that favor might be. (You already knew that, right?)

2. Build your own audience through social media, list building and so forth. Then when your product is ready to launch, launch it to your list first. Take note of the clickthrough rates, conversion rates and refund rates. Now you’ve got something to tell potential affiliates and JV partners other than, “I think this will sell well.”

3. Realize that not everyone is going to promote your product, no matter how good you are at building relationships first. Maybe they only promote their own products. Maybe they just don’t think your product is a good fit for their list. Maybe they’re having a bad day/week/life. Don’t worry about it. If you build enough relationships with others, you’ll find that some promote, some don’t and it’s all good.

5 Steps to Buy a Mansion with IM Money

The headline might read like a joke but I’m actually serious. You already know there are internet marketers who have literally made enough money in online marketing to purchase an actual mansion or two or ten. The question is, how do they do it?

5 Steps to Buy a Mansion with IM Money

And the answer is, in my opinion, diabolically simple.

Maybe the best kept secret in online marketing is that everything new is simply a variation of something old. There really is nothing that is breakthrough new. But we make it seem that way to our buyers by using the following method:

Step 1: You purchase a product or two or three on how to make money online using a certain technique.

Step 2: You implement much of the information and steps you learned in the product(s).

Step 3: Along the way, you kept careful track of what worked and what didn’t work, along with your own ideas and innovations.

Step 4: You create your own ‘breakthrough’ product that demonstrates how YOU managed to get these results in your own business and you sell the heck out of it.

Step 5: You repeat the process.

Whoa. Sounds too simple, right? You were hoping for the magic formula hidden under a golden rock guarded by warrior elves and ankle biting gnomes.


Choose a method. Research it to find out what’s working for others. Get busy. Make notes. Improve the system, find a new twist or apply your knowledge to a new niche. Make a product or course that teaches others what you’re doing. Sell it. Repeat.

You’ll be making money from what you’re doing AND from teaching others how to do it.

•    Learn it
•    Do it
•    Improve it
•    Teach it
•    Repeat

Millions have been made with this formula.

Now I wonder what YOU will do with it… ?

Case Study: $2,500/Month with No Website

As always, your numbers and results might vary, but here’s what Rainy (not her real name) is achieving with one day of work per week…

Case Study: $2,500/Month with No Website

She creates a product each week which she then sells to just 25 people at $25 each. Limiting the number of copies sold creates scarcity, and she usually sells out in about half a day.

You can do this if you have an internet marketing list or an internet marketing social media group. The point is you need an audience to offer this to, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a list.

In Rainy’s case she doesn’t even have a website. When she offers the product each week, she does it through a Facebook Group and her own small list. She instructs buyers to send her the money through PayPal and then post on Facebook that they’re in.

This creates excitement as people see the copies are being snapped up. Anyone on the fence about buying realizes they better jump in quick or they’ll lose out.

The product Rainy creates each week is a directory of the top offers in online marketing for the week. She gives the names, URL’s, descriptions, conversion rates, backgrounds of the authors and her own personal insights. This information is super valuable to anyone who promotes internet marketing products to their list.

But it’s also valuable to the people on these lists, which is why Rainy gives PLR rights to the weekly directory. Buyers can give it away or sell it without rights, and they know it won’t be saturated because only 25 copies are sold.

At least a couple of her regular customers offer these reports as freebies to get internet marketers to join their list, and it’s quite effective. Essentially, they are paying $25 every week or two to provide fresh, timely content to their new subscribers.

Of course, if you want to follow this business model, you don’t necessarily need to write about the latest offering in online marketing. Anything that is timely and of interest to others has potential.

And if you find that your weekly offerings are selling well, you might consider launching them into a paid membership, too, for even more money.

Are You Overwhelming Your Visitors?

I just visited the site of an EXCELLENT marketer who knows his stuff. But…

Are You Overwhelming Your Visitors?

Here’s what happened. I’d clicked over to one of his blog posts. Black background, BIG long hard to read headline. Okay, it’s a little much, but I can handle that.

Wait, there’s a banner across the bottom in bright blue. Hmmm, I’m leaning towards the screen, trying to figure what it says and what it means when…


A bright pop up covers the entire right side of the screen, causing me to jump back from the computer. Too much.

I hadn’t totally grasped the headline when I spotted the banner. I was still trying to decipher the banner when the pop up appeared.

What next? Lions and tigers and bears doing a jig across the screen?

Three headlines and I can’t tell you what any of them said because I kept getting interrupted.

Does your site distract and overwhelm visitors?

I hope not. 😊

Remember the KISS rule for success. Keep it simple, stupid. It is principle which states that designs and/or systems should be as simple as possible. Wherever possible, complexity should be avoided in a system—as simplicity guarantees the greatest levels of user acceptance and interaction.

Your website will likely create far better results, and more conversions if you keep it simple for your users. Keep this in mind, and have a re-look at your own website and sales pages to see where you might be muddying the water for your visitors, and how you can simplify to increase the results you want.

Do You Think You Stink at Writing?

One of the biggest obstacles holding you back from success online could be the fear that your writing is lousy. But let me ask you… can your readers understand your meaning?

Do You Think You Stink at Writing?

Or are they as flummoxed as I was when I read this YouTube comment?

The unwieldy downtown conjecturally suffer because belt seemingly buzz vice a jumbled goose. scandalous, adhesive september

I don’t know if this came from one of the early bots, or perhaps someone who knows no English but received a dictionary for his birthday, or just someone who drank a few too many.

Whatever the case, it received two replies (both positive!) within three days and I’m betting your writing is better than that.

So, stop sweating your writing skills and just write. You’ll find the more you do it, the better you get.

And have fun. If you don’t find at least some pleasure in creating your posts and products, maybe you’re in the wrong niche.

Content marketing isn’t supposed to be that hard. After all, if you find that your belt seemingly buzzes vice at a jumbled goose in a scandalous manner, then sticking to September might be the right move after all. 😉

Relax. Have fun. Make some mistakes.

And just write.

Are Guarantees LOWERING Your Sales?

Refunds cut into your sales, right? And they’re darn annoying, too. You work so hard on your product and then someone tells you that it’s not worth their money. Sigh.

Are Guarantees LOWERING Your Sales?

But we have to offer guarantees to keep our conversions high, right? Maybe not, because human psychology is a strange thing.

Let’s say you sell a $1,997 course with a full 60 day money back guarantee. What your guarantee has inadvertently done is tell your customer that it’s in their best interest to sell themselves against your course and get their money back.

And some of them will do exactly that.

But if you don’t offer a refund and instead demonstrate how valuable your product or service has been to others, how they’ve used it to get results and how there is nothing else like it on the market, then maybe you don’t need a guarantee.

After all, a guarantee is supposed to be a way of showing that your product WORKS. But if you can demonstrate that users get actual proven results, isn’t that so much better than an offer to refund their money?

It’s something to consider. You can either let your customers convince themselves that your product isn’t worth what they paid…

… or you can demonstrate up front that this is the bargain of a lifetime and you want serious buyers only.

Simple Case Study – List Building for Free

I was talking to a guy the other day, and while I didn’t get all of the details of his business, I think I got enough that I can share it with you. This guy doesn’t have products of his own. He doesn’t have a website. Heck, he doesn’t even have a squeeze page.

Simple Case Study – List Building for Free

Yet he’s building a massive email list using paid traffic in a self-liquidating manner. That is, he’s making as much or more money than he spends on traffic to build his list.

Have you heard of Click.org? It’s software for link tracking and I recommend you check it out. But it does a lot of other things, too, one of which is to place a pop-up on any affiliate page you choose.

So, let’s say you’re promoting the ABC product. You’ve got your affiliate page and you know the offer converts. You go to a site like Udimi.com and purchase solo ads. You send this traffic to your affiliate page to make sales to pay for your solo ads.

But on your affiliate page of ABC product, you place a Click.org pop-up that grabs the person’s email address. Essentially the affiliate page becomes your landing page. Sales of the product pay for your traffic. You don’t have to write copy, deal with customer service or any of that.

That’s what this guy is doing. He offers an awesome lead magnet directly related to the product he’s selling. His traffic grabs the lead magnet and may or may not grab the product.

But what if they don’t sign up to his list? Then he uses Click.org for retargeting. He brings visitors back to his affiliate page and back to his pop-up, and it only costs a few cents each. He gets more sign-ups to his email list and he makes more product sales.

And he does one more thing… he goes to similarweb.com, types in the URL of the sales page he’s promoting without the affiliate link. He scrolls down and finds the top referring sites to that offer. Then he goes to those same referring sites and buys the same traffic so that the offer goes through his affiliate link instead of directly to the product owner. Sneaky, right?

And again, he uses retargeting to bring prospects back to the sales page for pennies, and he makes even more sales. All you need to get started with this business model is an autoresponder to capture your new email subscribers and Click.org.

As long as the offer you’re promoting pays for your advertising, you can list build as long and hard as you like. Your profits will come from the other things you sell to your list. And of course you can do this with multiple offers in multiple niches simultaneously if you like.

Sneaky Way to Get Lots of Good Reviews

To get lots of good reviews you’re first going to need a place where people can leave their reviews. For example, if you sell on Amazon then Amazon is the place to capture your reviews. If you have a review system on your website, then that’s where you’ll be sending people. Here’s how it works…

Sneaky Way to Get Lots of Good Reviews

You send your product to your customer, whether that means shipping it to them or sending them to your download page.

In your product where it cannot be missed, you enclose a card or page that says something like:

How Would You Like a ___ 100% FREE with FREE Shipping?

Visit: www.GetFreeProduct.yoursite.com

Fill out the form, choose a product and we’ll ship it to you 100% FREE.
– No Shipping Charges!
– No Hidden Fees!
– No Credit Card Required!

Naturally if you’re delivering products electronically, you will alter the language on this. You can either specify what product you will send or you can let them choose.

When they go to your site, there will be a simple form asking what they purchased from you, what they want to receive for free, their address and the invoice number (if applicable). Once they fill this out they are feeling HAPPY because they are about to receive a free product, and who doesn’t love FREE?

This exact moment is the PERFECT time to ask for feedback (a review) on the product they already have. Simply take them to the next page where they are asked for feedback on the product they purchased.

Naturally, many of your customers will want to reciprocate your goodwill and leave a review, and more likely a good review due in part to the positive experience this process is providing for them.

2 Tiny Words that Will Change Your Life

Imagine if just 2 tiny words could completely change how you look at things, how you feel about your day and even how happy you are in the moment.

2 Tiny Words that Will Change Your Life

These 2 tiny words can literally change your life if you employ them in everything you do throughout your day.

And here they are…

(Where’s the drumroll when you need it? Or maybe even a cowbell?)

“…get to…”

That’s it. The words are “get to” as in, “I get to do this next thing I’m about to do.”

Next time you’re thinking you have to do something…

•    I have to finish writing this email
•    I need to create this product
•    I must pick up the kids from school

Change your language like this…

•    I get to finish writing this email
•    I get to create this product
•    I get to pick up the kids from school

This tiny change in vocabulary can have a subtle and sometimes very dramatic effect on how you feel and thus the actions you take and what you are able to accomplish in your life and business. Just 2 little words can make all the difference.

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