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4 Ways To Create Products Super Fast

Almost nothing is better than having your own product because you not only keep 100% of the sale price when you sell it – you can also get affiliates to sell it for you, thus simultaneously building your list and bank account through the efforts of others.

4 Ways To Create Products Super Fast

So how do you crank out products quickly and easily that people are hungry to buy? I’ve compiled a list of proven methods – and none of these should take you longer than 7 days, with most taking only a few hours.

Interview an Expert. This is a super fast and easy way to create a product, and you don’t need to have any expertise of your own. Instead you’re “borrowing” the subject’s knowledge and packaging it into a product.

So where do you find these experts?

  • Search Amazon for authors in your niche – authors are often eager for the chance to share their knowledge and plug their latest book, and so they’re open to being interviewed. And on Amazon you can find an author on just about any niche topic you want to pursue.
  • Look for authors on ClickBank. ClickBank is divided into niches so it’s easy to search. Choose your niche and look at the gravity of each product within that niche to find something with a high gravity (100+). This means that the product is selling well, and this might be a good person to interview.
  • Do case studies. This is a bit different because instead of interviewing your subject on his expertise, you’re asking specifically how s/he did one particular thing.

Use What You Know by Recording Your Own Tips and Tricks. You may not think you have skills that others want to learn, but odds are you do. Maybe you know how to write a great blog post in 10 minutes, or how to lose 50 pounds in 3 months, or how to swap out the engine on a ’57 Chevy.

You can either turn this knowledge into a report or ebook, or record it as videos or audios. Once you start breaking down what you do step-by-step, you might be surprised at how much you know. And if there’s a market for what you know, you’ve got yourself a viable product.

Don’t ever discount your own knowledge. If you’re in the internet marketing niche, for example, and you’ve only been working in it for six months, you still know things that people who are just starting out don’t know, and those things can be turned into your own unique product. You don’t have to be the foremost expert in a niche – you can simply have more knowledge than the customers you’ll be targeting.

Turn Your Existing Content into New Products. Have you written a bunch of articles and blog posts? Maybe you’ve got enough there to create your own book. Do you have videos that you’ve made, audios, etc? Can you package this content into a product? Repurposing your own content is a great way to make a completely self-created product very quickly.

Co-Create a Product with Someone Else. Team up with someone who has the skills you don’t and vice versa. Perhaps you’re a good writer and they have the knowledge, or you have the personality to make the videos and they have the background in the niche. Decide in the beginning what needs to be done and who will do what, and the deadline for completion.

The benefits here are two-fold: First, two heads and two sets of experience are better than one. And second, by working as a team you are accountable to each other, and the product is likely to get created quite quickly with no procrastination or stalling getting in the way.

So that’s 4 ways to create products super fast. Get inspired, take action and you can have your own product created and selling online within the next 7 days, or less. Go for it!

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