Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Archive | September, 2021

Outsource Writing for Your Home Business

One of the most effective marketing strategies for a successful home-based business website is producing quality content in the form of articles. You might think of this as blogging… Even though blogging can be a great way to build your online reputation and authority, you may not always have time needed to write the articles your site needs.

Outsource Writing for Your Home Business

Although you can say that no one knows your business’ needs or product line better than you, you might be surprised that some writers are pretty good at producing just the content you need, at an affordable price too. Besides, running a business is always a time-consuming endeavor and the more ways you find to outsource important tasks, the faster and more easily you will be able to grow your business.

So you know you need to outsource… The main question is how you will find great writers in a sea of available ghostwriters online? Yes, there are many of them. Article ghostwriting is a full-time profession for many people, and you can easily find them online once you start doing some research.

When you want specific writing styles and article slants, one way to find articles for your site is to use Google to search for the type of content you are looking for and then find the different authors who are publishing these articles directly. In fact, there are many article directories online that even include rating systems for the quality of articles, along with easy ways to get in touch with the authors of those articles.

If you contact the authors of the articles you like, you can also ask if they are available to take on the article writing jobs for you, or possibly write guest posts for your website. And so the negotiation begins… Truth is, it’s a win-win. After all, their published online articles enhance their own reputation and brand awareness so there are many people out there who will be eager to write articles for your website.

Another very effective way to find writers for your projects is to post your jobs or look up writers directly on freelance sites such as Upwork. If you go there and post a job for the type of writing you want done, you will get many proposals from available ghostwriters, and you may find exactly what you are looking for. Using services like this, you will be able to see the reputation of the writers who are proposing to fulfill your writing needs, and you will have many options for people to start working with.

Finding writers to outsource your article writing needs is not impossible; it just takes setting a clear intention of what you want and then doing the research and due diligence needed to find the best writers for your needs. Once you find qualified writers and start working with them regularly to help you produce quality content for your website and content marketing campaigns, you’ll have more time to devote to other important tasks in growing your online home business, or maybe just for relaxing and enjoying the fruit of your home-based business success! That’s why you got started in the first place, right?!

Balance Home Business and Family Life

When you’re a work-at-home mom, you won’t get far unless you keep a firm line between your business and what your family and kids demand from you. Kids tend to take up much of your personal and professional time. You could, of course, wait for them to mature a bit, so they’d need you less, but that could take years. It’s better to apply a few strategies that work for managing your home-run business and your kids.

Balance Home Business and Family Life

Use a separate phone for your business. When you already have a phone in the house, why get another line for your business, right? This seemingly cost-saving tactic backfires: sometimes a family member takes a call from a client and discloses a somewhat different arrangement from what was agreed upon earlier. What’s worse is that time when you resent your kids for taking up so much time on the phone when you clearly need it. Unless your kids become aware of your business motives and maturely accept them, you’d do better to get another phone line.

Hire someone to watch your kids. When your income is strong enough to get a babysitter, it’s usually best to do so. With someone else managing the kids, the mental space and emotional energy freed up can be dedicated to growing your business.

Have a ‘semi-isolated’ place at home you can call your office. This could be a corner in your kitchen, or a separate small room you can lock yourself into. Having a place where you can post notes and plan and work keeps you focused; it tells your psyche that when you’re there, the business is all there is. So it’s best to train your kids to handle their chores on their own, so you get more time in your office space. Also, they’ll have to get used to not disturbing you during your office ‘hours’, which are generally more flexible for the home business owner.

Take short naps. One good thing about working at home is exactly that. When you get tired or unfocused, you can take a nap to get recharged. When you train your kids to take short naps, you can take a nap with them knowing that there’s little else to worry about but getting a little rest. In fact, many business owners come up with some of their best ideas either during or just after an afternoon nap. Rest well, and get inspired!

Let your kids see you work. One way to teach them to give you ‘room’ for your business is to let them see you work. This could get bothersome at first, especially when your kids are young and want your attention. Over time, they could get used to doing their homework in a corner in your office. The more they hear you talk to clients over the phone, the more clues they get about your having time to work. Soon they’ll learn to keep to themselves when you’re on the phone with clients or busy typing away on an important email or web project.

Meet your clients outside the house. Few things are more common these days than having a meeting at a local coffee shop to discuss business. The advantage of this is two-fold: you won’t get disturbed by domestic worries, and your client sees you as a responsible worker (one who doesn’t insist on juggling his concerns with your family life). Plus, leaving the home for a little while is a great refresher and another way to recharge!

There are many life-liberating advantages to working from home for you and your family, but be sure to follow some of these guidelines if you want to keep your sanity, and have the good fortune of long-term success in your home business.

4 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Business

Many people think that working from home is a stress-less experience. After all, when you’re working from home you don’t have to deal with office politics, annoying bosses and coworkers… Plus, there’s no stressful commute to work or having to adhere to a dictated schedule. It’s no wonder people dream about working from home some day. 🙂

4 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Business

The truth is, it doesn’t matter where you work… You are going to experience stress. Stress is not the lone experience of office professionals. Everyone experiences stress as a result of many factors in their lives and business.

The good news is that stress can be very useful. It can act as a motivator or alert us to something that really does require our attention. But too much stress reduces your body’s ability to fight disease, it wears you out, and it can affect your judgment in a negative way. Therefore, finding reliable ways to reduce your stress are very important to the long-term success of your business.

Get organized. It’s about having a system you can rely on so you won’t have to stress about every problem that comes your way. Develop a decision-making procedure to handle your affairs, whether it be in shipping inquiries, handling dealers, answering customer questions, etc. You can of course improve your systems over time, but what’s important is that you implement a system that gives you some control and order.

Exercise. People who work out often report that they feel happier than those who do not. Increased heart-rate and metabolism, better digestion, and an all around feeling of lightness all work together to keep you in a lighter mood. The more you stay at your desk in front of your computer and see problems, the more you might get depressed. Sweat a little. Run. Go to the gym. Staying away from your work doesn’t mean abandoning it, as people who work out also tend to come up with new solutions to their work problems simply because they had time to think about the problem while being removed from it.

Listen to music. People who listen to music deal with stress by losing themselves in the music or by letting the music influence their moods instead of just thinking and worrying about your business challenges. Some people even have various playlists for different kinds of work they have to do. Think of it as a playlist for doing chores in the home. Create one for doing accounting, responding to customers and so on… Some listen to classical music because it helps them think.

Practice Meditation. While computers have a memory cache, people’s brains have limited capacities to actually remember and worry about every single little thing. While computers can erase their cache and get a fresh start, don’t forget that people can as well. Sleep is one way to refresh the mind, but modern meditation techniques allow a person to get the equivalent rest and recovery of several hours of sleep in 30 minutes or less. Learn to meditate, and practice regularly.

Also remember that the goal of working is to earn money to finance the other half of your life: living. Whether you work inside or outside of the home, developing reliable ways to de-stress your life and business will lead to greater productivity and personal satisfaction.

Home Business Time Management Tips

Learning to master time management can make or break your home business. In the early days of your home business, you will still have a lot to learn and as you fill orders, work with customers and businesses; the hours can fly by very quickly. You will discover that there are not enough hours in a day to complete all of your daily tasks.

Home Business Time Management Tips

Efficiently managing your time will help you to create order out of chaos. If you wake up and simply start moving things around without some sort of plan in place, you can easily forget important jobs that need to be completed, forget orders, neglect to call back clients and lose customer confidence in your fledgling company.

Plan Ahead

Have a plan in place such as a daily schedule. Follow up that schedule with a weekly schedule that fully covers all of your daily tasks. With this plan in place, you can quickly take stock of your time to figure out what needs to be done. This will help you to achieve your goals by completing important tasks first, and getting through simple tasks with time to spare. Get into the habit of checking, editing and updating this schedule as last minute plans may arise.

This plan will allow you to get your work done without creating a backlog because you accepted too much work in a short amount of time. When new requests come in, you can look at these schedules to see if you have the time to spare or if you should turn down the job due to lack of time. It can be hard to turn away new business or repeat offers but if you accept more work than you can complete in a comfortable amount of time, you will disappoint clients who will go elsewhere when they have new jobs.

Start Business Early

Some people will create a home business to sleep late and work whenever they want to. However, this is not likely to happen. If you sleep all day, no one is running your business and it will not be successful. If you have family as well, getting up early will allow you to take care of them and send them off in the morning. You can then shower, eat breakfast and head off to your home office awake, refreshed and ready to work.

Separate Family and Business Life

Spending more time with your family may be one reason that you decided to open your own business, but you will have to keep the two separate to be productive and to keep everything organized. If you have young children, keep them away from your home office if possible. If you allow them to play in this room while you are working, they may feel that they can enter it when you are away. This can lead to ruined or lost paperwork that you need for your business, and may be a source of distraction in the future if your children have learned that it’s acceptable to hang out in your office while you work.

Separating business and family is also a good way to help you relax and get away from work. When you have completed your tasks for the day, you can simply close the door and go spend time with your family. This is hard to do if your computer and business is in an area that is accessible to the entire household. You want a personal space that you can shut away from the outside world when you are working and away from your personal life when you want to get away from the home office.

Set Priorities

If you do not have your priorities in order, you can end up doing a lot of work and have nothing to show for it at the end of the day. Completing a large amount of work one day won’t help you if you have forgotten to complete an important and time sensitive job because you did not schedule your time correctly. Remember, prioritize first, then get to work! Your home business will thank you for your discipline and commitment with greater growth and long-term stability.

Most Home Businesses Fail… Here’s Why!

While lots of new home businesses launch every day, the truth is that many are failing.

Most Home Businesses Fail... Here's Why!

One main reason for home business failure has to do with a lack of discipline. Working for someone else whether inside the home or commuting, allows one to have a set schedule and daily tasks that they need to follow. When you work for yourself, you have to set your own goals and objectives, and have the discipline to follow your plan.

Anyone can start a home business, but that doesn’t mean that everyone should. Some people who started and closed their businesses should never have gone to work for themselves to begin with. Many lack the dedication to follow through and keep up the pace that is necessary to be successful.

Some people are simply seduced by ads and word of mouth when they hear others talk about how great and freeing it is to work for themselves in their own home. A home business is a great opportunity for some but others need to have a boss prodding them to get through the day, or someone else who can tell them what needs to be done.

After the excitement has worn off of starting your own home business, it will quickly become clear that it’s not fun and games. Everything depends on you. From taking orders, handling sales calls, customer service, running a website, collecting money and mailing packages – it all rests on your shoulders. If your business grows, you can hire an extra set of hands to deal with the backlog, but in the beginning to keep costs down, most home businesses are run by the people who created them.

Quitting your regular job to work at home because you expect to have lots of free time and extra money to spend is a huge myth that causes many to quit. A business that is just starting up will take up a lot of your time. To handle all of the work, you can easily find yourself working well into the early morning hours. You can also start to spend less time with your family as you strive to build your business.

Extra money to spend is something that you will often not see for months or years because you will need to pay bills for your business and home costs, and you will need to spend more money in marketing and development to grow your home business.

When people advertise stories about working from home, they will tell you about the glitz and glamour. You will be told that you can roll out of bed at any time and work in your pajamas. This is a bad idea because every business needs to run on a consistent schedule if it is going to be successful long-term.

All of this said, there is a new breed of home business opportunity called affiliate marketing where you can simply join an existing business or business opportunity who will provide all the products and marketing materials for you. They will even handle all of the order processing, payment collections, product shipping and customer service on your behalf. In fact, some of the affiliate programs that I am building my own home business online with are shown here on my website (check them out).

Whether you are building a traditional home business, or an affiliate marketing based home business, nothing will take the place of personal discipline and having a daily action plan that you follow to get the word out and grow your business successfully. If you have the inner-discipline required to make your own daily plan (and follow it), there are few freedoms greater than that of being able to call your own shots and work for yourself from the comfort and convenience of home!

Daily Habits to Manage a Home Business

People decide to open their own home business for many reasons. You may want to spend more time with your family, be your own boss, or make more money than a 9 to 5 job can offer. In a job that has you working for others, your entire work life and sometimes your home life is strictly scheduled for you. From the time you begin and end work, to breaks, vacation and pay, you have very little control.

Daily Habits to Manage a Home Business

However, in your own home business it can be hard to suddenly have complete control over everything and no one to lean on. Over time we gather habits, be they good or bad. When it comes to your home business, you have to figure out the bad ones and break yourself from doing them if you want to succeed.

Before you get the home business off the ground make sure that everything is in place. This means setting aside special hours in the day to do the most important activities. Remember that you will need to make contact with clients, banks and other businesses and most of this has to be done during the day and usually no later than 5pm. Prevent exhaustion by following the plans you laid out so that you don’t overwork yourself.

Business continues to move forward so you will have to constantly update yourself when new business strategies are put on the market. You can take classes or teach yourself over the internet, but stay ahead of the pack by knowing everything you can because it will help you to better develop your business.

A good way to break bad habits that can have adverse effects on your business is to write them down on paper whenever you discover a new one. Once you know the habits that are holding you back, you can implement different steps that can help you to overcome these habits.

For example, procrastination is by far one of the worst habits that can cause your business to crumble from the bottom up. If you constantly put off work and say that you’ll do it tomorrow, deadlines will pass and clients will choose other business owners that they can depend on. Once you lose customers it can be hard to attract them back to using your company and services.

Your business is real, so treat it that way. If you don’t take it seriously, no one else will. However, this does not mean that you will have to bypass having a bit of fun every now and then. Taking a break to enjoy yourself will help you to stay fresh and on top of your business. If you work yourself too hard, you can quickly burn out and lose the enthusiasm you once had at the start of your home business.

Remember that this is a work at home business. You control the time and hours that you work. Realize that there may have been activities that you would have loved to do in the past but your 9 to 5 job was holding you back. Now that you don’t have those worries anymore, set aside some time to enjoy the activities you love. Your business is done at home but that does not mean that you have to be glued to your computer for a full day.

Electronic equipment such as laptops and mobile devices will do a lot to make your business available everywhere. Try to separate business from pleasure and avoid pulling out your smartphone every other minute to check an email when you are spending time with the family, but do check daily if you are away from home just to make sure that you catch any important messages that were left by clients.

Managing a home business requires developing a few different skills than working a normal job, but the freedom you’ll gain with your success is well worth the investment.

Tips for Managing Your Home Business

To manage your home business, you need to remove clutter and have a perfectly organized space that is easy to work in. No one wants to trip over wires, papers and boxes as they move about their day in a home office. Implementing these tips can help you to stay organized while you remove clutter from your work space.

Tips for Managing Your Home Business

Remove Clutter

Clutter builds up in every aspect of our lives, and it can quickly grow out of control if you don’t sit down and organize it. Old papers that are no longer needed should be shredded and tossed to make room for new files. As your business grows, you will receive large amounts of mail every day and you should carefully open and go through them to toss out the ones you don’t need, while you file away the ones that you do.

Throw away paper, boxes and other trash that may accumulate as you work. Allowing clutter to build in your office space can cause some home business owners to feel stressed and annoyed as they constantly wade threw anonymous piles of junk that needs to be in the garbage or filing cabinet.

Eliminate Unnecessary Waste

Along with clutter, another problem that can cause build up in your office space is holding on to objects that you don’t need. If you buy a new monitor, get rid of the old one by selling it or giving it to a family member or friend who can use it. Electronics quickly become outdated and as you upgrade, remove the old ones to allow more space in your work area. If you buy or have newspapers delivered daily, remove the old ones. Newspapers have a way of adding clutter because many readers will simply throw them in a corner until they begin to stack up and become an eyesore.

Use Labels to Keep Things Organized

Nothing will waste time more than a home business owner who spends hours looking for one important file or paper. As your business grows, the paper work will grow with it. Your office should be organized at all times but this will be difficult if you don’t have folders and drawers specifically labeled to help you find items that you need quickly.

Use Your Tools

When you have all the tools needed to keep your office organized, don’t forget to use them. This may seem simple but many home business owners will quickly become overwhelmed and begin to stack files and papers in one spot or another to quickly complete a task. They will then neglect to put the files in order when they get some free time. Spend a few minutes every week to make sure that all your files are put in their correct slots. This is a huge time saver because you will easily find what you’re looking for if it’s in the right place.

Acquire Decent Shelving Space

Shelves are a great way to get extra space in a small home office. High and against the wall, they offer you an extra setting to place important files that may not be needed at the moment. Other shelves can be placed in a specific area to allow you to grab files that you will need to use daily. Shelves are also low cost depending on the ones that you choose, and they can add more space to your office while keeping your budget in check.

Let the Light In

Even though you work at home, you should let the sun in. A dark and gloomy office can cause some individuals to feel tired and sluggish even when they have had a good night’s rest. This can slow down your business and productivity and cause you to intake too much caffeine as you struggle to stay awake during your work hours. If your office does not have a window to let in some light or if you tend to work during night time hours, you can purchase good lighting or special items that mimic sunlight.

There’s nothing like having your own successful home business. Just remember that it takes discipline to stay organized and manage your time effectively to be truly successful.

10 New Home Business Ideas for Parents

For many people, being a parent is the #1 motivation for starting a home business. The ability to work from home, create your own schedule and spend more time with your family is a very compelling reason to start and build a successful home based business.

10 New Home Business Ideas for Parents

Here’s 10 new home business ideas for parents that you could start today:

Stock Photographer – Stock photography is used in numerous applications, from websites and blogs to print ads. The demand for stock photography is quite high for good and unique photographs. Therefore, most stock photography companies allow independent contractors to upload pictures for sale on their websites. You can also start your own website offering your photographs for use for a fee.

Graphic Designer – Designers are needed everywhere and demand is high. If you have a talent for using software to make web pages, advertisements, banners, book covers (eBook and paper) and more, there are many home-based opportunities to get paid for your abilities. Start offering your services on sites like Fivver and Upwork who can connect your services with the buyers who need them.

Freelance Writer – As a freelance writer there are many different opportunities today based on your skill level. You can write for so-called content mills, individuals looking for writers, as a copywriter writing specific sales copy, or you can write for yourself and publish your own books as PDFs or via Kindle Direct Publishing.

Arts and Craft Seller – If you’re artsy and like being creative, it can be more than a hobby. You can sell your art online and make good money. Websites such as Etsy, DeviantArt, and Art.com make it easy for individuals to upload pictures of their work to sell. You are responsible for shipping it on time, and you’ll give a percentage of sales to the website you list on. You can also start your own website but usually you’ll make sales faster working through an established and trusted venue.

Amazon Seller – Fulfillment by Amazon has started a trend in individuals selling both new and used merchandise through their service. Learning how to sell on Amazon can take a little time but there are people who are making six figures per year doing it, and you can too. This is something you can do on your own time, with your children in tow.

eBay Seller – Selling on eBay can be more challenging than the other choices, but many people do it successfully as a full-time job. If you have access to the right products, you can do it too. Again, this is something you can do on your own time, so if the kid’s have soccer practice, or a parent-teacher conference, you can be there, and schedule your work for off-parenting hours.

Life Coach – You’ve seen a coach at a football game, but did you know that some people hire “life coaches” to help them with everyday life? Some people need help with parenting skills, whilst others need help getting through a life challenge such as losing a job or career change. Some people become successful life coaches relying on nothing more than what they’ve learned through the hard knocks of life, although there are now many certifications you can get as well to develop your skills and expertise in this field.

Lifestyle Blogger – Have you seen the movie, “Julie & Julia“? Julie started out as just another blogger, blogging about her adventures cooking from Julia Child’s cookbook. She became very popular, sold the rights to her story, and a movie was made. She made money off the deal, of course. Today, bloggers blog about all sorts of things and earn money through advertising, affiliate marketing, and product promotions. You can, too.

Herb Gardner – This work-at-home business takes a little time and work, but it’s healthy, the children can help, and you can potentially earn a full-time income from your back yard if it’s allowed in your area. You can sell at farmer’s markets, and directly to consumers or restaurants if you plan and market your business effectively.

Online Teacher – If you have a degree in teaching you can teach at online K-12 schools right from home. You can also, if you have at least a master’s degree, teach college courses online. What’s really great is most of the time you can sign on when you want to, from anyplace with internet to do your job, as long as you meet certain requirements.

Working from home is often a parent’s dream. They can be near their kids, not have to work by someone else’s clock, and still earn a very good living. Now, in the age of the internet, there are more opportunities than ever before to start your own business and work from home. What are you waiting for? Some of the best opportunities are available right here on my website. Start your journey to home-based business success today!

Pros and Cons of Working for Yourself

Working for yourself isn’t all plusses. Sometimes there are huge minuses. It’s up to you to determine whether the pluses outweigh the minuses. But, it is good for you to know in advance what the pros and cons of working for yourself are so that you can be realistic about what you’re getting yourself into.

Pros and Cons of Working for Yourself

Ok, do you want the good news, or the bad news first?… Let’s go ahead and get the cons out of the way because there really is a lot to look forward to in working for yourself!


  • Work and Home Life Often Collide – Due to the lack of a fixed schedule, and no clear delineation of work versus time off, you’ll find yourself working odd hours to accommodate the needs of your family; thus feeling as if you never have a day off.
  • You’ll Do a Lot of Work for Free – Much of the work you do for your business is not billable, therefore will feel like free work until you start making a profit. It can be hard to push yourself to do things that aren’t producing income right now, but you must press on anyway so that you can do what’s necessary to grow your business.
  • Family Will Ask You to Do Things (since you’re “available”) – Even though you have work to do, when family members see you around, they’ll think you’re available. Sometimes it’s fun like playing table tennis with your kids, and other times it’s new chores added to the “honey do” list. The reality is when you work from home, the boundaries between work and family life are blurred.
  • You’ll Get Distracted – Without supervision, even the most studious and organized individual can go off the rails due to the internet, television and stuff that is around to distract you from work. In fact, even if you rely on the internet to do your work, you’ll have to be very disciplined to avoid checking for Facebook or Twitter updates, or watching some online highlights of the game last night. It’s up to you and only you to set up and respect rules and limits to achieve success.
  • Now let’s see the benefits…


    • No More Living by the Clock – If you arrange your business right you can wake up naturally without an alarm forcing you to get up when your body isn’t ready. You can also go to bed when you want to as well. It’s a great freedom not to always live by the clock.
    • No More Traffic Jams – One of the best perks is not having to be caught in a traffic jam during rush hour. Working from home for yourself, you won’t have to do that anymore and it will be a huge relief, most especially on bad weather days when everyone else has to navigate through undesirable conditions and impatient drivers.
    • Fewer Work-Related Interruptions – Office chatter can get overwhelming at times and it can be difficult to get work done due to it. Not to mention office meetings… Be honest, did you ever really get work done due to a meeting? During the meeting you’re probably thinking about how you could be getting work done right now instead of talking about it. Or maybe you’re just daydreaming about the possibilities of working from home for yourself… Don’t tell your boss! 😉
    • You Really Can Work in Your PJs – Yes you can! You can wear PJs, yoga pants, or a moo-moo; no one cares. You can even get inspired right out of the shower and work naked if you want to, not that I’m recommending it! It’s your business and your house, and you’ll decide what to wear (or what not to wear).
    • A Flexible Schedule – If you have a parent-teacher meeting, or a lunch out with your spouse, you don’t have to ask permission to go. If you want to get your hair done, go for it. Whatever you want to do during the day is up to you as long as you find time to also get your work done so you can get paid. Your schedule is your own.
    • You Can Eat Healthier – Going out to work often causes everyone to eat out for lunch five days a week. That can not only be expensive, but it can also be unhealthy for the people doing it… unless you have great discipline and restaurant choices available. Working from home allows you to have more choice and control on what you eat every day, and if eating healthfully is important to you, it will be easier to do when you work from home for yourself.
    • Working from home offers different benefits and drawbacks. It’s up to you to determine if you have the personality for it. You’ll need to rein in family and friends who want to take advantage of you, as well as yourself, to stay on track for creating a healthy and profitable home business.

How to Become an Expert in Your Field

If you want to achieve success in an online home business, you’ll want to be seen as an expert in your field. Why? Because people pay attention to and follow experts.

How to Become an Expert in Your Field

The beauty of the world we live in today is that it’s easier than ever to gain knowledge and share that knowledge with others. In fact, Google itself allows you to tap into the world’s brain instantly. Here’s some ways you can start sharing knowledge and solving other people’s problems in a way that will position you as a real expert in your field…

  • Blog Regularly Toward Your Audience – Start a blog on your website and blog directly to your audience with many forms of content, discussing many issues that the audience has. It’s a great way to get traffic, but it’s also a great way to demonstrate expertise.
  • Write a White Paper about a Problem – A white paper is a long report that addresses a problem and then offers solutions to the problem. If you write a paper or two about individual problems your audience has and demonstrate viable solutions, you’ll be able to show your expertise even though you’re just starting out.
  • Publish a Book about Your Expertise – Writing a book and authorship is always a great way to show your expertise. Direct the book to your target audience and answer questions they may have. Address one problem and solve it and then you’ll get more respect that you know what you’re talking about.
  • Make Checklists to Help Your Target Audience – If you know the types of things that your audience has questions about, create helpful checklists, cheat sheets, or tip sheets that are available for view and/or download on your website or blog.
  • Share Answers Freely on Social Networks – Social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and even forums and message boards are great places to answer other people’s questions in a way that highlights your expertise.
  • Become a Contributing Writer – Blogs, websites, newspapers and magazines all want more content and will take well-written, expertly delivered articles. Some of these will even pay you for the content. Write originally for each and rely on your bio to send traffic your way.
  • Get on a Speaking Circuit – Create a couple of presentations that you could easily turn into public speaking fodder. Practice by putting that information on video, YouTube, your blog and other places that publish videos online.
  • Create a Dedicated YouTube Channel – Many people have become famous because of YouTube, and you can too. Use YouTube as a way to demonstrate your expertise on the topics of interest to your audience.
  • Host a Free Webinar or Teleseminar – Technology enables you to do a lot to spread the word about your knowledge and expertise. You can create “how to” videos, tip videos and more to show the world and most importantly, your audience, what you know.
  • Demonstrating your expertise when first starting out doesn’t require you to have a huge customer list, established earnings or even a following of subscribers yet. Implementing any of these ideas is what can help you gain a following, increase your website traffic and ultimately help you build the home business you’re dreaming of.

Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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